The mystery behind the enigmatic monoliths that recently flooded the news by their appearance at random remote locations in Utah, Romania, California, has finally been solved. As the fourth object appeared in Joshua Tree, a collective of artists under the name The Most Famous Artist has claimed responsibility for the steel obelisks.

The group originally revealed themselves with an Instagram post of a monolith with the caption “,” drawing attention from Internet users. Followers of the account then asked “Was it you?” to which the account repeatedly replied, “if by you you mean us, yes.” The group’s founder, Matty Mo, has since then posted additional proof on Twitter, seen below.

“I am not able to say much because of legalities of the original installation,” Mo wrote to Mashable. “I can say we are well known for stunts of this nature and at this time we are offering authentic art objects through monoliths-as-a-service. I cannot issue additional images at this time, but I can promise more on this in the coming days and weeks.”

An art director named Carlos Estrada and a photographer named Erik Junke have also been tied to the project as potential collaborators in addition to Mo.

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